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Individuals interested in joining the team are encouraged to email Yuyang directly.


Department of Chemistry 

Colorado State University

1301 Center Ave

Fort Collins, CO 80523

Join our team!

  • POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCHER: Postdoctoral candidates with expertise in synthetic organic or inorganic chemistry please apply by directly contacting Yuyang. Please arrange three letters of recommendation and email Yuyang with a cover letter, CV, and research summary.

  • GRADUATE STUDENT: We are always looking for driven and passionate graduate students who are ready to make a difference in the world of chemistry. Prospective students should apply to the CSU Chemistry Graduate Program.

  • UNDERGRADUATE STUDENT: Undergraduate students looking to gain hands-on research experience in synthetic chemistry are welcomed email Yuyang an unofficial transcript and CV. 

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©2023 by The Dong Organometallic Research Group

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